Maungatua Presbyterian Parish
Our parish covers a very large area, all the Taieri Plain west of the Taieri River, and up State Highway 87 past Hyde. There are weekly church services at Outram and monthly in Middlemarch. Although Outram has some Dunedin suburban features, as a whole the parish is rural.
We have not had an ordained minister for 16 years now, and have operated with a series of interim-moderators. Two years ago we employed a ministry provider, who initially worked quarter time, which increased a year later to one third time. The minister is theologically trained and is also in transition ministry.
The Middlemarch congregation is small. It's lead by a young family, who now own the former manse and organise most of their own services. We have recently closed churches at Henley and Hyde.
Middlemarch address:
For more information, search for us on Facebook. Type in, "Maungatua Presbyterian Parish."
Our ministries:
- Childrens
- Small groups/Home groups
- Womens
- Elderly
Other Churches in Dunedin
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Kaikorai Presbyterian Church and Community Hub
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Leith Valley Presbyterian Church
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Mosgiel / North Taieri Presbyterian Church
North Dunedin Pacific Island Church
Opoho Presbyterian Church
Peninsula Presbyterian Church
Sawyers Bay Presbyterian Church
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Student Soul