Leith Valley Presbyterian Church
North Dunedin
Woodhaugh 9016
New Zealand
Sunday 10am
Additional Locations
Leith is a diverse group of people from a range of denominational and non-church backgrounds. We have 82 members with a further 90 associates. There are approximately 90 children and young people on our roll. This adds a vibrancy to our services and community life.
Minister Richard Dawson is currently serving as Moderator of PCANZ and in his absence we have a ministry team comprised of myself, Reverend Nancy Parker and Reverend Waldir de Souza.
During each service, the children and the junior youth group leaving for their own programmes after the first 30 minutes or so.
Various members contribute by way of music, worship leading, prayers, readings and a children’s talk.
The majority preaching is done by the ministry team with guest speakers or others from within the congregation, being scheduled about once every six weeks. In school holidays there is usually an all-age service on one of the Sundays.
On Sunday evenings, they meet at George School. Address: 989 George St, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016
The church office is upstairs at 15 St David St, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016.
Our ministries:
- Childrens
- Youth Group
- Small Groups/Home Groups
- Womens
- Mens
- Elderly
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