Celtic Retreat

The Warm Hearth of Presence, Blessing, Wisdom and Song
Hilary Oxford Smith and Julie Saraswati, harpist and singer invite you to join them for a Day Retreat at
The Coronation Hall, 41 Haven Street, Moeraki, North Otago
Saturday 12th August 2023 from 9.45am – 3.30pm
The Celtic Christian tradition is deeply significant for our times, offering insights and spiritual practices that remind us of the unity of our origins, nourish our deepest longings for serenity, peace and oneness and nurture our respect and care for the whole of creation.
In the Celtic world, the hearth was a warming, gathering and sheltering place. On this retreat…
Be companioned by St. Brigid of Kildare and John O’Donohue of County Clare. Hear music and song, poetry, stories and blessings. Discern meaning and mystery in their creativity and yours. Be inspired by their wisdom and faith to dream the way forward. Tend your contemplative and creative spirit and be gifted with the beauty, harmony and love of the Divine to mind your life.
Cost: $75.00 which includes morning and afternoon tea, a journal and all resources. Please bring your own packed lunch. Winter fruit cake and hot chocolate will also be served at lunchtime.
For more information and to book your place, CLICK HERE or email hilary@spiritofbradan.com