Richard Brunton Workshop

Save the date for Richard Burnton Workshop
Calvin Church and Aglow are hosting Richard Brunton for a one day workshop on Saturday August 12th 2023 at Calvin Church. The workshop will be open to everyone in the Otago/Southland area.
Richard has written the book, "The Awesome Power of Blessing"
Richard Brunton was a pioneer of the market research industry in New Zealand. He co-founded Colmar Brunton in 1981 and built the business into the country’s best known and most trusted research company.
In 2014, he retired as Executive Chairman of Colmar Brunton and has devoted his time to writing, speaking and marketplace ministry. Richard published The Awesome Power of Blessing in July 2016; this booklet is having an amazing impact on the lives of people around the world. He has published a second booklet Anointed for Work which draws on over 30 years experience as a successful CEO. His third booklet, The Blessing Effect teaches us how to bless and draws on many true stories from around the world where people have used blessings.
We are in the early stage of planning, but a rough outline of the day will look like this.
09:30am - rego
10:00am - welcome and worship
10.30am Richard sharing
12:00 Lunch provided
1.00pm Worship and then Richard sharing.
The Day finishes at about 3.00 so people that have travelled can get home.
The Price will be about $30 for the day.
Richard will be sharing at both services on Sunday 13th at Calvin Church and then will head to Dunedin for a combined Aglow/ FGMFI meeting on monday night.