Spiritual Renewal And Growth Task Group Update
The Spiritual Renewal And Growth Task Group (Margie Rea, Hilary Oxford Smith, Lynne Taylor and Peter Cheyne) has met a few times recently and is seeking to understand, and get on with, its task.
We are investigating using the Presbytery newsletter and Facebook page, Resource Groups, a website, workshops etc. to help engage with the Presbytery.
Two current areas of interest are fostering prayer, and the sharing of stories. Prayer is central to spiritual renewal but there are many ways to pray. Maybe we can experience new ways as we discover more of God’s grace and love.
We want to encourage telling stories of God’s goodness and activity. We are working on some guidelines, but we would love stories that bring glory to God, remind us that God is still at work and, therefore encourage us, and that share ideas. Stories can be powerful. You will hear more from us.
But equally, we want to hear from you. If you have thoughts, ideas, suggestions, stories… we are working towards ways of sharing and discussing, but, in the meantime, please feel free to contact Peter Cheyne (Peter@followers.org.nz).
We have also asked the Resource Groups to encourage people willing to pray regularly for the spiritual renewal and growth of the churches and people in our region. We send out prayer suggestions each month and can add other ways of resourcing our pray-ers. If you are keen to pray in this way, please contact your Resource Group or Peter directly (Peter@followers.org.nz).
We believe God is at work and that God wants the church to flourish. We are praying and working for more of that.