KCML Graduation 20

On December 4th, KCML staff, friends and family gathered together at First Church in Dunedin to celebrate the graduation of the 2018-19 class of interns. Annie-Kate Williams, Kalele Moresi, Gabe Hawker, Tom Mepham, Seb Murrihy, Hayden Luke and Donald Gordon have all completed their training and are ready to take on the challenges and joys of ordained ministry!
It was a wonderful event. The service was led by the Rev Mo Morgan and words were shared by the outgoing KCML staff member, Dr Rev Kevin Ward. Many of the interns have young families (with a large number of babies being born during the internship!) and it was a blessing to be able to have their young children present with us for the graduation.
Please enjoy the wonderful pictures taken by Ian Thomson.