W.O.F Children & Youth Ministry HEALTH & SAFETY

Childrens & Youth Ministry Leaders "Warrant of Fitness" Training
Ethics + Health & Safety Training for all paid & volunteer leaders involved in childrens and youth ministry.
Saturday 13th October
9am - 3pm
Leith Valley Presbyterian Church (267 Malvern St, Leith Valley)
No cost. Lunch and resources provided.
We acknowledge the tremendous responsibility churches have for the safety and well-being of children and young people attending their churches and programmes. We are strongly recommending that every church puts their leaders who work with children and young people through the PCANZ Safety Warrant of Fitness (WOF) once every three years.
For more information about the W.O.F training, click here.
Please register online by October 11th.
Register Online Here
For more info, contact:
Cheryl Harray & Brad Kelderman