Pukerau Easter Camp 75th Celebration

Pukerau Easter Camp is Celebrating 75 Years of Camps and Ministry!
From humble beginnings in 1944 when the Mataura Bible Class District Committee held its first Easter Camp in some tents at Wyndham, to the modern campsite of Camp Columba today, Easter Camp has been an annual fixture in the lives of young people from Otago/Southland and beyond. Our camps have seen thousands of lives changed and have a legacy spanning the generations.
We would love for you to come and celebrate the amazing heritage of our camps and the vision of those pioneers who made it all possible.
• From 1pm at Camp Columba (89a Kaiwera Road, Pukerau) come and see the new and exciting developments out at Camp Columba, the Camp Columba team will be on site to show you around and will also be running some activities for those willing to have a go!
There will be photos and memories of the last 75 years of Easter Camp on display, with plenty of room for you to add your own photos and stories.
Afternoon tea will be available from 2-4pm, for those wanting to catch up over a cuppa.
Group photos will take place around 3pm and a plaque will be unveiled to commemorate the milestone of 75 years.
• Join us for a buffet meal 6pm at Calvin Community Church (25 Robertson Street, Gore). An evening of reminiscing, speakers covering some of the antics of the last 75 years and hearing stories of how Easter Camps have impacted people’s lives and shaped their faith journey.
(Accommodation is available at Camp Columba for Saturday night, $10/person and BYO breakfast. Please get in touch with Camp Columba to book your spot! https://www.campcolumba.org.nz/page/contact/ )
• Thanksgiving service 10am at Camp Columba. Our celebrations conclude with a church service giving thanks for the faithfulness of God and the people who have contributed to Easter camps over the years. Lunch will follow the service.
For more information, and to indicate what parts of the celebration you would like to attend, please click here