EFM Online Taster Course

Education for Ministry (EFM)
EFMM is a four year ecumenical programme. It is open to any adult willing to commit to study from a Christian perspective, regardless of educational level or denomination.
Students commit to ONE year at a time.
- Year 1 students study the Hebrew Bible
- Year 2 students study the New Testament
- Year 3 students focus on Church History (including a Unit on The Church in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Year 4 students focus on Theology, Ethics, and Inter-faith Encounter
EFM has four themes, which are cycled throughout any four year period:
- Volume A: Living Faithfully in Your World
- Volume B: Living Faithfully in an Multicultural World
- Volume C: Living as Spiritually Mature Christians
- Volume D: Living into the Journey with God
New groups, (consisting of 6-10 students and trained Mentor) can start in any month of the year.
2024 fees ($300.00) include the Reading & Reflection Guide which focuses on the appropriate theme for the year. In addition students are expected to purchase their own textbooks for each year (currently less than $200/year and less than $100 for some years)
In 2024, all new groups, and existing groups on the anniversary of their commencement, will use Volume C: Living as Spiritually Mature Christians. Likewise in 2024, new groups, and existing groups on the anniversary of their commencement will use Volume D: Living into the Journey with God
Each year of the EFM programme covers 36 sessions, organised into five study units:
- Unit 1: Spiritual Autobiography
- Unit 2: Theological Reflection as a Life Skill
- Unit 3: Developing a Sustaining Spirituality
- Unit 4: Building a Theology: Integrating Belief, Behaviour, and Doctrine in Everyday Life
- Unit 5: Hearing and responding to God’s Call
Students enrol annually and commit to only one year of study at a time. There are no assessments, as individuals are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. Students agree to attend (as faithfully as possible) a weekly ~2 hour seminar meeting, and to read the assigned text prior to each meeting, participate in discussions and to share in leading worship. Weekly preparation for the seminar meetings usually takes 3 -5 hours depending on the demands of the chapter and the individual’s life.
The EFM programme originated in the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, USA. Students who complete the 4 year programme are awarded a Certificate from the School of Theology in the University of the South.
Please Join us for a taster zoom on the 17th of January. Click Here to Register
For more information please contact:
Michael Crawford-Butler,
Administrator, EFM NZ,
62 Herewini St,. Titahi Bay, Porirua 5022
Email: educationforministrynz@outlook.com Phone 021 246 0672
Website: www.efm.org.nz
EFM – because Exploring Faith Matters