Dunedin North Otago Regional Group 2023

Dunedin North Otago Regional Group 2023 – Conversations that matter
Greetings to the Dunedin North Otago Regional Group - to all congregations, ministers including retired ministers, elders, retired elders, chaplains, members and ministries in our region from Omarama to Maungatua. You are the Dunedin North Otago Regional Group. The Regional Group Planning Team has developed the events below with you in mind. You are invited to all events.
We will trial monthly meetings this year, held on the second Tuesday of each month. We received feedback that when we met less regularly, the gap was too long if people missed a meeting.
Our theme is – Conversations that matter. We want to encourage significant conversations across the diversity of our region. We will also acknowledge transitions, celebrate service, receive a report from our person on Presbytery Council and pray, including for each other.
Unless advised otherwise, a meal will be provided at a cost of $12 to be paid on arrival at the event. Please RSVP (with accept - or apologise) by the Sunday before the event to dnoregionalgroup@gmail.com. If you wish to attend the event and not the meal, please also advise. The presentations will begin around 6.45 pm. If you apologise, we can send you copies of any written resources that were shared. These are the planned events:
Tuesday 14 March – 6 pm to 8.30pm Opoho Presbyterian Church Dunedin - Helping congregations feel safe for people to ask questions, express doubts, explore ideas and be open to experiencing the mystery of God. Stephanie Pettigrew, the incoming chair of Presbyterian Support Otago, and Alisha Jefferis, an elder, will speak about their faith journeys. The Reverend Peg Pfab, a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Church of Christ (USA) with over forty years of ministerial experience in university and congregational settings, will share her approach, with examples and resources. We will explore together what steps we can each take. And we will also acknowledge the retirement of the Reverend Anne Thomson. Please RSVP by Sunday 12 March 2023 to dnoregionalgroup@gmail.com .
Tuesday 11 April – 6 pm to 8.30 pm * – On being an Easter people. Graham Redding will help us explore lessons from Pike River and the Christchurch earthquakes for pastoral care in times of community crisis and trauma. Joy Davis, the new Presbyterian Support Otago Community Relations Advisor, and PSO Board members nominated by Presbytery will explore with us how PSO is seeking to live out the Easter story and together we will explore ways of encouraging collaboration between PSO and the Church in our region.
Tuesday 9 May – 6 pm to 8.30 pm *– The Reverend Malcolm Gordon will lead us in an evening exploring the theme of lament, a subject of his recent and significant PhD study. We will also talk music.
Tuesday 13 June – 6 pm to 8.30 pm * – Preparing to celebrate Matariki. The Reverend Brendon Macrae and others will help us prepare for celebrating Matariki and share resources we can use.
Tuesday 11 July – 6 pm to 8.30 pm * – Learning from our partners. The Presbyterian movement here includes Presbyterian schools and Knox and Salmond Colleges. What can we learn from them about engaging young people and young adults? How can we strengthen partnerships in helping our movement evolve?
*Venue to be advised
Feedback, suggestions and questions welcome.
Dunedin North Otago Regional Group Planning Team
Margaret Garland (convener), Jenni Gillions, Rachel Bates, Helen Martin, Andrew Dunn, Judith Forbes, Kerry Enright.