COE Training

Code of Ethics Workshops
Gore - 29th Nov
Dunedin - 30th Nov
PCANZ Code of Ethics Workshops are being run again this year in Gore on November 29th and Dunedin on November 30th. This is a key way the church is resourced to respond appropriately to keep our people safe.
The workshop will include
The team will introduce the Code of Ethics
Set it within our wider context of the Book of Order and the Conditions of Service manual
Use scenarios to provide learning and reflection of key aspects of high ethical behaviour in practical situations - in particular truthfulness; confidentiality; exploitation; harassment and abuse
Reflect, refresh and affirm characteristics of compassion and natural justice
Reflect and learn on areas of competence - including supervision; opportunities for spiritual growth; stewardship of time; upskilling; strengths and limitations; collegiality and respect; boundaries and wellbeing
Please Note:
Attending the PCANZ Code of Ethics Workshops is a requirement of ministers every three years
Elders are encouraged to attend as well along with ministry leaders and those with specialised ministries
Each workshop will be preceded by a cuppa of tea or coffee so we are set and ready to go at the start time.
Please advise Alan if you are coming so we can estimate numbers
GORE Workshop Details
Friday November 29th
@ St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Gore
[for directions, click here]
Start time: 1.30pm (cuppa at 1pm)
DUNEDIN Workshop Details
Saturday November 30th
@ East Taieri Presbyterian Church
[for directions, click here]
Start time: 9.30am (cuppa at 9am)
Duration : estimated at 2 ½ hours