Brad Kelderman
Youth Advisor

As the Youth Advisor, I work with leaders in churches, trusts, and camps, across the Otago and Southland Presbytery. My job is to help create an environment where healthy youth work can flourish. I can offer support and advice in the areas of:
Youth Ministry
- Formation Resources
- Curriculum
- Program Ideas
- Event Support
- Strategic Thinking
- Youth Culture
- Advocacy
- Team Building
Training and Development
- Assist with youth worker training and development plans.
- Facilitate and organise workshops, seminars, and training events on youth ministry and leadership.
- One-on-one coaching and mentoring.
- Connecting leaders to relevant training opportunities and external providers.
Health & Safety
- Facilitate Warrant of Fitness training for all volunteer and paid youth workers (Code of Ethics, Health & Safety, Child Protection)
- Advise churches, staff and Child Protection Officers on child protection policy
- Advise churches on Health & Safety obligations (regular programming, events, camps, etc) and how to implement a Health & Safety strategy for their youth work.
Human Resources
- Assist with HR tasks across the employee life cycle, such as job descriptions, recruitment, onboarding and performance management.
- Assist ministers and managers in setting up new roles/hires for success.