February Presbytery Gathering - 6th Mar 2019

February Presbytery Gathering

This was an enjoyable and encouraging experience with the Mataura people hosting us very warmly.

Interesting reports were presented from the 5 Resource Groups noting lots of energy and inspiration. Some Resource Groups are reviewing their parishes to find new ways of being the church.

The major discussion was around the review of the way Presbytery works. These included

  • Reducing the size of the Presbytery Council and changing the focus to more strategic decision making
  • The possibility of delegating parish reviews to local resource groups
  • separating finance and property into different workgroups

The Presbytery agreed to change the composition of the Presbytery Council and to continue consulting over the other major areas of discussion.

A budget for 2019-20 was adopted including raising the level of levies needed for Presbytery. Approval of specific parish levies will be done at the next Gathering in September.

A lively address was made by the CEO of Presbyterian Support Southland John Prendergast.  PS Southland is celebrating 100 years anniversary this year. John responded to a considerable number of questions and comments on the scope of the work of Presbyterian Support.

Presbytery Council was asked to prioritise a focus on the spiritual renewal and growth of the church in the Presbytery area.

The Presbytery Clerk was reappointed for a second term of 5 years

Discussion took place over the recently released pre-change document related to the Knox and Presbyterian Research Centres.






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