WOF Dunedin

The warrant of fitness training day focuses on the PCANZ Child Protection Policy and encompasses essential training on youth and children’s code of ethics, health and safety practices, and recognising and reporting abuse. This training is compulsory for all those working with children and young people under the age of 18.
In supporting congregations to comply with the Child Protection Policy, PYM and Kids Friendly are working with Presbyteries to put on 1-day WOF training days in regions in 2019.
More info about the PCANZ W.O.F can be found here.
The training will be practical, informative, and believe it or not...it will actually be an enjoyable day!
Details for the Dunedin WOF Trainng are:
Saturday 17th August
Leith Valley Presbyterian Church
267 Malvern St, Leith Valley
9:30am - 3:30pm
The training is free.
Resources, Morning Tea & Lunch Provided
You need to pre-register by Wednesday 14th August
You can register online here
Due to the sensitive nature of some of the content in the WOF training day the minimum age of a WOF participant is set at 16 years of age.