Teviot Union 150th

The Teviot Union Parish is holding a special service and lunch in celebration of 150 years since the Presbyterian church started in the Valley.
Sunday May 13th
Church service at 9:30 am in Roxburgh followed by morning tea in the church hall with photos and a display of history.
For directions, click here.
Registration by April 20th
($20 per person) required for lunch at the Town Hall.
Contact P Kerr, P O Box 25, Roxburgh, 9441, telephone (03) 4468 977
(leave a detailed message) or email patroxx@hotmail.com
Lunch with speakers, entertainment, photos, historical display. 12pm for 12:30pm until 3pm.
Please spread the word to folk who may have links with the Teviot Valley and the Presbyterian Church here. Photos (email is fine) of weddings, picnics, gatherings etc welcome.