
Empowering the People in the Pew
A training day giving a taster of the programme for Southern Presbytery
Led by Hamish Galloway and Anne Shave
Pathways is a programme that our Moderator, the Rt Rev Hamish Galloway, in conjunction with Alpine Presbytery, is offering to Presbyteries in 2023 as part of his Empowering Generation theme. It is a programme which offers intentional pastoral and spiritual care to individuals within congregations, inspiring exiting church members to continue to explore their faith and empowering the to grow and to serve. Designed by Rt Rev Hamish Galloway and Dr Anne Shave, the programme provides opportunities for individuals to reflect on their stage of life, spiritual growth and areas of gifting and service. Pathways was successfully trialled at Cashmere Presbyterian Church during 2021 and then rolled out in the Alpine Presbytery in 2022 (so far 10 churches in the Presbytery have run the programme).
Hamish and Anne are now offering a training day giving a taster of the programme in the Southern Presbytery. This will involve participants both experiencing the programme and gaining training in how to run it in their own parish setting. Each parish wishing to participate in this day needs to send two people with a view to them leading it in their parish. Where a parish has a minister, it is ideal for the minister to be one of those people.
What does Pathways involve?
Each participant:
Has a one-to-one conversation with their minister or another church leader to explore ‘where they are at’ in terms of their stage of life, spiritual growth and areas of service
Attends a full day seminar/retreat
Has a follow-up one-to-one conversation aimed at exploring ‘next steps’ (a fuller explanation of Pathways is contained in the separately attached document entitled ‘Pathways’)
Click Here to register
Click Here for a printable flyer
For further information:
Hamish: (027 603 0063)
Anne: (027 466 7199)
Erin: (027 774 1457)