Parish Reviewer Training

Parish Reviewer Training
Ministers, Elders and other church leaders
You are invited to attend a Training day for Parish Reviewers on Saturday, the 11th of August at Mosgiel Presbyterian Church, 11 Church Street, Mosgiel.
The training will run from 10.30 am. to approx.. 3.30pm. covering all aspects of
Parish Reviews from the planning and information gathering to practical resources
and report writing, and much more.
Even if you have done a training for Parish Reviewers before, we would encourage you to attend this training as there have been many recent changes to review requirements.
It may be that you have people in your parish teams who you think have the skills and giftings to make good Parish reviewers?
If so, please direct their attention to this training opportunity as we would love to have them join us.
There will be a modest cost of $25 for this training day to cover resources and catering.
The Presbytery will pay travel reimbursements to participants, but we ask that those attending car pool as much as possible.
Please RSVP to by Monday the 6th, of August, indicating how many people are attending and if any of your group have any special dietary requirements.
Lee Kearon
Parish Review Work Group Convener,
3 Holyhead Street
Outram, 9019
Ph: 03 486 1488
Mob. 021 2501060