Licensing, Ordination and Induction Service

Licencing, Ordination and Induction Service
Southern Presbytery is excited to be able to licence recent ministry graduate Aaron Johnstone. Aaron has also been called to be a minister alongside Ian Hyslop in the Upper Clutha Parish. It has therefore been decided to combine the Presbytery licencing service with Aaron’s ordination and Induction. This will be held on March 21st at St Ninians, Corner of Kane Road and St Ninians Road, Hawea Flat.
6.30pm: Southern Presbytery Meeting (in St Ninians supper room) for Presbytery members, Aaron’s Family, the Upper Clutha MSB and Upper Clutha Session members
7.00pm: Church Service at St Ninians
Followed by supper in Hawea Flat hall (its just 200 metres along the road)
Presbytery members please send apologies to if you are unable to attend.
Please note St Ninians is 13kms from Luggate // 8kms from Lake Hawea township on Kane Road.
If travelling via Albert Town on road to Lake Hawea - turn right at Hawea Flat turn off and then right again just before Hawea Flat School. And after Luggate - cross 'Red Bridge' and Tarras turn off heading toward Lake Hawea.
Click here to see on Google maps.