Financial Training Seminars

The PCANZ in conjunction with Laurensons Chartered Accountants will be running a free 1 hour training session on the financial year-end close. This will be available to all parishes that use XERO (including those parishes that may not be on the PCANZ client list). The session will be run online through the Zoom application, enabling you to participate in an interactive session that will allow you to ask questions. If you are not using XERO please join a session, the year-end processes discussed, and helpful tips may well apply to you.
Laurenson Chartered Accountants will present the sessions and will use their experiences gained over the years when working with XERO clients. They will provide their observations on pitfalls and common errors made by XERO and non XERO users. The lessons you will learn will make the year-end close easier, for example helping treasurers to be aware of incorrect coding of entries, if GST has been claimed correctly, and many other helpful tips.
The sessions are aimed at all treasurers whatever your skill level, and is open to both solely Presbyterian and UCANZ parishes.
There are 9 sessions starting from Monday 15th June 2020 over three weeks.
Monday 3pm – 4pm
Monday 7pm – 8pm
Tuesday 7pm – 8pm
There will be a maximum participants of 10 per session, so if your first choice is not available select your next option, please do not put your name down for more than one session. Once a session is up to the maximum of 10, no more participants can be added. Laurensons Chartered accountants will send out a Zoom link to your session.
Note that if you do not use XERO you are still welcome to join, you will get some helpful tips that will apply to non XERO parishes.
Please complete the following Doodle Poll using the following website link:
To join this Doodle Poll enter your name and select a session that you wish to join in on, the next screen will then ask for your email addresses and contact phone number
You will need a computer, iPad, smartphone or a similar device with a camera and a microphone to join the Zoom session. Even if you are confident that you have the year-end accounts sorted, we are sure that you will benefit from the presentation.