Day Retreat: The Gift of Summer

Drawing from the deep well of Celtic Christian wisdom and imagination, may Summer's light, abundance and
colour bless you on this contemplative day retreat.
Music, poetry, song, reflection and quiet times will gently accompany you and as you begin your journey towards Easter you are invited in the afternoon to learn how to prayerfully draw and illuminate a simple Celtic knotwork design to take home. This is a spiritual, intuitive and creative way to discern and experience the
presence, love and grace of the Holy. You don't need any artistic or drawing experience to come along to the retreat.
Cost: $80.00 includes morning and afternoon tea, all resources and artist materials. Please bring your own picnic lunch. Fresh fruit, sweet treats, teas and coffee will also be served at lunchtime.
Guided by the Rev. Dr. Hilary Oxford Smith
with harpist Julie Saraswati
Saturday, 17th February 2024
Coronation Hall, 41 Haven Street, Moeraki, North Otago
9.45 – 3.30 pm.
For more information and to book your place: CLICK HERE