DNO Resource Group Meeting

Tuesday 12 March
6pm - 8:30pm
Burns Hall, First Church of Otago
Directions here
The first Dunedin North Otago Resource Group meeting of the year will be held 6 to 8.30 pm on Tuesday 12 March 2019 in Burns Hall, First Church of Otago, Moray Place, Dunedin. A meal will be supplied, cost $10.
Please RSVP admin@knoxchurch.net by 11am Friday 8 March 2019 for meal numbers.
The evening will include presentations relating to study leave people have taken - Anne Thomson: Congregational Hospitality; Rose Luxford: Moving from co-operation to community in multi-cultural congregations; Nigel Crocombe: Church Planting in Nepal; Peter Cheyne: Walking in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel. There will be news of steps being taken by Presbytery to strengthen the role of Resource Groups.
Also, could any representatives of congregations attending please bring an A4 sheet with a photo or photos and/or two paragraphs of what is happening in your congregation at present, which we will put up on a wall for people to view, and which we might try to incorporate in a newsletter to be sent to each congregation. This is a way of thoughtfully and prayerfully supporting each other.
Remember that everyone is invited to participate. It is not limited to ministers and elders.
Kerry Enright, Planning Team Convener.