Coracle: A weekend for explorers

In the 6th Century, Columba arrived on the island of Iona on a “coracle.” A coracle is a small boat, and for some Celtic missionaries, they would simply go where the tide took them.
Pilgrim, voyager, explorer, pioneer – all words that describe a sense of “finding our way” with no fixed idea of what the future may look like.
Maybe these words describe you or someone you know? Maybe you have questions about church, mission, the future – wondering about what could be, and carrying some questions about what is now - if so join us “around the campfire” in Hanmer Springs in 2021.
Save the date: Friday evening 30 April – Sunday morning 2 May
Why? For people interested in exploring new ways of being church to tell stories, learn together, pray and listen. Some conversations will explore practical steps like getting started in a venture like this.
More information will be sent out in the new year, in the meantime register your interest with Abi:
Hosted by Alpine Presbytery and other PCANZ friends