Chaplaincy at Dunedin Hospital.

Chaplaincy at Dunedin Hospital.
Call for new Voluntary Chaplaincy Assistants Information evening:
Wednesday 8 March 7-8 pm.
Dunedin Hospital Chapel
Applications close Friday 24 March
This will be followed by a face to face meeting before potential VCA begin their eight week training course in May.
Information and application forms are available from any chaplain or from or 03 474 0999
Some background.
Being in hospital can be a stressful time for patients and those who care for them. Caring for a person’s wairua [spirit], hinengaro [mind] and whānau [family] is as vital as looking after their physical health.
Chaplains and VCA are available to listen and talk with people of all faiths or none. We do not proselytise, preach or persuade.
VCA support the work of Chaplains by offering a ministry of presence to patients and whanau within the Hospital. After a period of training they are assigned a ward or wards which they visit regularly - (usually for two hours on each of two mornings each week). They are also expected to attend a monthly meeting (about an hour) for support and professional development.
ICHC (Interchurch Council for Hospital Chaplaincy) expects Chaplains and VCA to be fully vaccinated