Book Launch for ‘Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Women in Creation Care’

Book Launch for ‘Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Women in Creation Care’
Several Presbyterian women, including Robyn McPhail in our presbytery, are the subject of a new book celebrating Christian women in environmental leadership. Silvia Purdie has brought together stories of over 30 women from a wide range of cultures engaged in a diverse of forms of mission. Awhi Mai Awhi Atu includes practical action points and a wealth of poetry and prayer.
You are warmly invited to the Dunedin book launch, on Saturday 6 August at 3pm,
Hosted by Moderator Anne at Toiora Cohousing, 7 Montpellier Street.
Includes afternoon tea. Books available for $35. Mask wearing requested.
More info: